5 minTRAININGVOLUME, INTENSITY & CLUSTER SETSWhat you should know about volume & intensity and why cluster sets are the cheat code, when you want to do more reps with the same weight.
2 minTRAININGRELATIVE STRENGTH - WHY EVERY HANDBALL PLAYER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT IT ISRelative strength is the answer to the question "Who is stronger"?
6 minTRAININGHOW OUR STRENGTH PROGRAMS CAN HELP HANDBALL PLAYERS TO REDUCE INJURY RISKShoulder, elbow, knee, ankle - we all know a handball player that had an injury or had an injury ourselves .
2 minTRAININGWHEN AND HOW TO BREATH DURING YOUR STRENGTH TRAININGAre you breathing optimally during your workouts?
2 minTRAININGPROGRESS IS ESSENTIAL IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A BETTER HANDBALL PLAYER - BUT...Progression is absolutely vital for success but might look different then you think.